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1. Metal chloride salts - Strontium, Lithium, Calcium, Sodium, Copper and Potassium
2. Spoon
3. Electronic balance
4. 6 x 50 mL beakers
5. 50:50 Ethanol:Water
6. Dropper
7. 6 small pieces of cloth
8. Forceps
9. 6 watchglasses
10. Long neck lighter
1. Dissolve 1 g of the metal chloride salts in 5 mL of 50:50 Ethanol:Water, in each beaker.
2. Place the cloth in each solution and allow to soak.
3. Use the forceps to place the soaked cloth in each watchglass.
4. Use the lighter to ignite the metal chloride salt and observe its colour.
Coloured Flames
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